Make Your WordPress Blog Private

When and How to Make Your WordPress Blog Private

Just a few days ago, when I was building a website for one of my clients, a concept came into the light. Suppose you want to hide the content of your blog, how would you make your WordPress blog private?

As you all know that many people have their personal blogs and they don’t want anyone else to see their family pictures.

And most of my clients ask me to do it so that they can create the content for their blog first. Before making a blog live, it’s important to hide its content.

From a developer’s perspective, it’s important to show your progress to your client.

At such point, you should make your WordPress blog private so that only people who know the password can access it.

Start Adding a Password to Your Blog

Let me clear that the concept of password protecting your WordPress website is totally different.

It’s because when you password protect your entire WordPress website, it’s done from the WordPress directory which protects the whole content of your website.

But when you make your blog private, it doesn’t password protect the image and video content you have uploaded.

It’s only used to hide from everyone else but not the family.

It’s done for a temporary period of time.

You don’t need to do anything new here. Just install and activate the Password Protected WordPress plugins.

Go to Settings>>Password Protected to set its configurations.

You can see a checkbox to enable this plugin. It will show the current status of your blog. Next is the permission you want to set either only for the administrator or logged users too.

Depending on your choice, you can check the boxes.

You will be asked to fill the password for your website so that your favorite people can access your blog using this password.

You would be happy to know that you can also allow people using their IP addresses.

Just fill in the box and save the settings.

After that, anyone would try to access your website would see a page asking for the password. Enter the password, anyone can read the content you provide on your blog.

It’s rarely used by any blogger. Only web developer, web designers use this method.

But if you’re starting a WordPress blog and still trying to create the content, you can make your WordPress blog private until the work is done.

It will help you have a better blog. Give access to your web designer and use the password to ask for suggestions from any of your friends.

Can You Now Make Your WordPress Blog private

Such types of concepts are easy to understand. Even I hear it seldom that people want to make their blogs private.

It’s because everyone is taking blogging as one of the best career choices right now. Everyone is fond of living a laptop lifestyle.

Though you can find every kind of person in this world. Many bloggers write just to share their personal experience with the people they know.

At such point, you should definitely make your WordPress blog private. If you face any problem, feel free to drop a comment.

You can also connect with us on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook.

by Ravi Chahar

A WordPress Professional and the LinkedIn Influencer. A coder by passion and a blogger by choice. WordPress theme development is his forte. He is your WordPress guy who will teach you how to solve WordPress errors, WordPress security issues, design issues and what not.

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  1. Hello Ravi,

    Something very new to gain here, Thanks buddy ?

    Yeah sometimes we do fear, that what if the unknowns would see our web sites and blogs, how we can protect it from them. The Word press security plugging looks promising, good to use if we do not want to share our personal and private pictures from the rest.

    But how will the others who are visiting our sites would be knowing our passwords?

    Thanks for the share


  2. Hi Ravi,

    Yes, you are right about all that you mentioned ?

    Some people prefer to keep their blogs private and don’t want to share their personal experiences with anyone, other than their own group of family and friends. I’m glad you wrote about how easily it can all be done, which would help many bloggers as such. I guess we never have to go through this phase, as we want our blogs to be public, so it’s for a different set of people, isn’t it?

    Thanks for sharing. Have a nice week ahead ?

    1. Hey Harleena,

      People have their own perspectives. I have come across a client who only shares her blog with her family members because of her personal pics.

      Blogging has many faces and this plugin can help them to maintain their privacy.

      Thanks for stopping by.


  3. One can also password protect the complete directory from cPanel, no?

    But this plugin have one added functionately, like access based on IP.

    Will surely try someday.

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